Google Cloud
Product Design
UX Research
UI Design
Bespoke Development
Strategy Lead - Jordan Richards
CTO - Josh King
UX / UI Design - Marta Croce, Karol Tylke
Development - RCCO Engineering
PM - Joston Fernandes
The goal was to build a product designed not only to keep up with the times, but to get ahead of the curve. Enabling marketing teams to readily showcase their newest products in no time. With Google being a fast changing business, their Cloud team has often a constant flow of new products and offerings launching throughout the year. Hundreds of global sales teams need to work with accelerated speed and improved structure to increase product adoption and reach their full potential. This requires an organised hub where they can both showcase the offerings and have easy access to add and edit them, in a fast and integrated manner.

We knew that in order to come up with the best solution for this we had to innovate. So our specialist development team created something that hadn’t been done before: a bespoke Content Management System that combined easy editing and content production with powerful custom data integration, all while using pre-built components in Google’s branding. The product breaks down barriers in more than one way: it enables marketing teams to quickly update content and grow the site, without having to rely on developer sources – because it’s as easy as using Google Sites. Plus, it does all this while ensuring all design complies with brand guidelines and standards: from the individual elements like buttons, to pre-built sections and templates, they all bear the mark of Google’s iconic style.
Product Design - Research & Design
We aimed to create a structured UX with a focus on allowing users to search and filter elements. The product design combines WYSIWYG live drag & drop editing with templated collections – take for instance the product library, where hundreds of items can be added with the same formatted properties, making for a speedy content creating experience. The product features 3 key modules: Page Builder (where users can build and edit the content pages), Collections (where users can create templated sets of items that can be filtered and searched) and Navigation Builder (where users can fully customise the navigation structure). The page builder utilises a Google Component Library that we designed and built ensuring pages are made to Google design standards.

Bespoke Development
To build the product we combined the powers of Vue.JS and Google infrastructure such as Google Cloud Platform and Firebase. The platform features SSO authentication (enabling users to securely authenticate by using one set of credentials across multiple sites) with user permissions spanning from limited access as a site viewer to full access as a site admin. The product development process sees us working on monthly sprints to improve the experience and constantly adding new features, such as a wizard to help users tailor their experience, based on relevant parameters.

"The bespoke CMS platform we created allowed updates to be deployed to production 3x faster with a 84% reduction in cost, enabling Google’s global teams to iterate without limits”.